Themed Tasting Event : Vintage Champagne Brilliance - Indulge in the Finest of 2012
6:30 pm18:30

Themed Tasting Event : Vintage Champagne Brilliance - Indulge in the Finest of 2012

The 2012 vintage in Champagne is tipped as one of the greatest in 2010’s. Aside from a brief threat of frost and mildew at the beginning of the season, it was a perfect and pleasant growing season throughout the year. This resulted in healthy crops and concentrated grapes at just the right ripeness and acidity during harvest. This is one of the very rare vintages where we can see almost every champagne house producing their best wines.

We are delighted to share a few prestige Champagnes with you on Friday 30 Aug . Diebolt-Vallois Fleur de Passino, with 40-60+ years of old vines from Cramant and only fermented in oak barrels. A complex and well structured Champagne. Doyard Clos de l’Abbaye, a premier cru from Vertus. With almost 70 years old vines located in a small 0.47-hectare parcel. Using 100% Burgundy old oak barrel for maturing and settling 4 years for second fermentation in the bottle. Less than 2,000 bottles are produced per year. Charles Heidsieck, one of the most underrated and historical champagne houses. They have meticulously selected 10 Grand and Premier Crus for this cuvée. It is enticing for its pleasant smoothness, aromatic intensity, and the saline freshness that is so typical of the House. Pascal Agrapart Experience, one of the most epic and pure expressions from them. This cuvee comes from old vines in Avize, and was produced by an ultimate natural process.

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Wine Tasting Dinner : Blind Tasting Odyssey - Grower Champagnes and Prestige Cuvées
7:30 pm19:30

Wine Tasting Dinner : Blind Tasting Odyssey - Grower Champagnes and Prestige Cuvées

Prepare to embark on a captivating Champagne journey like no other. At our upcoming dinner at Flower Drum, we will be serving a selection of prestigious Champagne houses' top cuvées alongside artisanal grower Champagnes, all presented in a delightful blind tasting format.

Throughout the evening, you will be treated to four flights, each featuring one prestige cuvee and one grower champagne. The identities of these sparkling gems will be revealed only after each flight, allowing you to experience the wines without preconceptions and discover the nuanced differences in style and terroir expression.

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Wine Tasting Dinner : LA-LA-LA Palate Pleasures
7:30 pm19:30

Wine Tasting Dinner : LA-LA-LA Palate Pleasures

  • Carlyle & Co. Hong Kong - The “Dining Room” (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We share in your excitement for the upcoming LA-LA-LA dinner, featuring the esteemed E. Guigal wines. E. Guigal is a legendary producer in the Rhone Valley, rooted in Ampuis and known for its exceptional wines from the Cote Rotie region. Their reputation spans generations, making them an iconic name in the Rhone Valley.

We will begin the night with the E. Guigal Ermitage Ex-Voto Blanc 2003, a white wine of remarkable quality. Following that, we will indulge in their renowned "La La La" Syrah from the 2009 and 2010 vintages, each earning a perfect RP100 score.

Limited seats are available for this exclusive event. Reserve your place now to ensure you don't miss out on this unforgettable LA-LA-LA dinner. We look forward to sharing this remarkable wine journey with you.

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Free Tasting After Work : Hofgut Falkenstein on Apr 24
6:30 pm18:30

Free Tasting After Work : Hofgut Falkenstein on Apr 24

Calling all Riesling lovers! Join us for a rare opportunity to taste the exceptional 2022 vintage Rieslings from Germany's acclaimed Hofgut Falkenstein winery.

In this vintage, Hofgut Falkenstein shone among German producers, with their off-dry Riesling achieving the highest score from Mosel Fine Wines. Remarkably, despite the summer's heat, they also crafted exquisite Kabinett wines exhibiting precision, balance, and a subtle zest.

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Free Tasting After Work : Minimalist Wines on Apr 10
6:30 pm18:30

Free Tasting After Work : Minimalist Wines on Apr 10

We invite you to a free tasting event featuring Minimalist Wines' new single-origin Syrah cuvee "No Place Like Home," along with other exceptional wines from the same shipment, such as the new vintages of “Stars in the Dark“, “Connect the Dots”, “Experimental Noir”, and “Experimental Blanc”.

For those of you who know Minimalist Wines (or if you're new to the brand), the label is the brainchild of Sam Lambson, a talented young winemaker from South Africa with a knack for innovation and rich and balanced flavors. Even if you've tasted his wines before, Sam has a way of surprising and delighting with each new vintage – he's always pushing the boundaries.

Join us on Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at our Central Tasting Studio for a relaxed, walkaround tasting experience. You'll be able to explore and savor each wine at your own pace while mingling with fellow wine lovers.

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Free Tasting After Work : Dominique Cornin wines on Mar 27
6:30 pm18:30

Free Tasting After Work : Dominique Cornin wines on Mar 27

We are delighted to announce the addition of Dominique Cornin, an esteemed Burgundy producer, to our portfolio.

As a token of appreciation for our followers and subscribers, we have arranged a one-day-only FREE WINE TASTING event outside our regular business hours.

Join us on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at our Central Tasting Studio to savor the wines and make new wine friends. Please note that this event only has 10 seats available, so make sure to RSVP promptly to in order to secure your spot.

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Wine Tasting Dinner : Wine Connoisseur's Delight
7:30 pm19:30

Wine Tasting Dinner : Wine Connoisseur's Delight

Indulge in a gastronomic journey with a meticulously crafted 6-course menu expertly paired with each wine selection to enhance the flavours and elevate your dining experience to new heights.

We will start with a rare Cedric Bouchard Roses de Jeane champagne with only 1,200 bottles produced annually. Then immerse yourself in the world of fine Burgundy wines with two Meursault whites from Arnoux Ente and Francois Mikulski, and two Chambolle Musigny Les Amoureuses from Patrice Rion and Lucien Le Moine. A juxtaposition of two vintage 1996 Bordeaux wines, the legendary Château Margaux and Chateau Las Cases will follow. We end the dinner with a highly acclaimed sweet wine, and a favourite of Napoleon, of Vin de Constance from Klein Constantia in South Africa.

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2023 Christmas Tasting Event
6:30 pm18:30

2023 Christmas Tasting Event

我們將展示精心挑選的 20 款精美葡萄酒,為您的節日慶祝活動增添歡樂。 從誘人的氣泡酒到清爽的白酒和濃郁的紅酒,總有一款能滿足您的味蕾。 此外,我們也準備了4款葡萄酒的盲品挑戰遊戲,考驗您的葡萄酒知識。 正確猜出 2 瓶以上包括葡萄品種和國家的客人,將可以從盲品酒款中選擇 1 瓶作為禮物。 *答案只會在活動結束前30分鐘公開*

Join us as we showcase a selection of 20 exquisite wines, carefully curated to enhance your holiday celebrations. From lovely bubbles to crisp whites and rich reds, there will be something to please every palate. Additionally, we have prepared a special challenge with 4 blind tasting wines, where you can put your wine knowledge to the test. Participants getting both the Grapes and Country of origin correct on more than 2 out of 4 bottles correct will be offered a selection of 1 bottle from the blind tasting line up as a gift. *The answer will only be revealed 30 minutes prior to the end of event*

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Portfolio Tasting : Champagne Moussé Fils
6:00 pm18:00

Portfolio Tasting : Champagne Moussé Fils

邀請您一同認識Champagne Moussé Fils,一個位於Cuisles、擁有100年釀酒歷史的小農香檳酒莊,它在我們心中一直佔據了特別的地位。 

這酒莊對常被忽視的Pinot Meunier情有獨鍾,園內80%的葡萄藤都是屬於Pinot Meunier,其餘的位置則種植了Pinot Noir和Chardonnay。這片土地的土壤獨特,黏土下有片岩層,使得Pinot Meunier的特色更加突出。 

Discover Champagne Moussé Fils, a grower champagne house with 100 years of winemaking history in Cuisles that holds a special place in our hearts.  

The winery embraces the often-overlooked Pinot Meunier, with 80% of their vines dedicated to its cultivation, alongside Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The unique soil of their location, with a schist subsoil under clay, enhances the expression of Pinot Meunier. 

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Meeting Winemaker Takaki Okada - Folium Vineyard's Dry Farming Revolutionary
6:00 pm18:00

Meeting Winemaker Takaki Okada - Folium Vineyard's Dry Farming Revolutionary

聽取了不少客人反映因工作而無法參加下週二在 mato 舉行的下午品酒活動後,我們決定將與 Folium Vineyard 的釀酒師 Takaki Okada的品酒活動重新安排到下週二晚上,在我們的中環品酒室舉行。


After hearing your feedback on the timing of next Tuesday’s afternoon tasting at Mato, we have decided to reschedule our wine tasting event with Folium Vineyard's winemaker Takaki Okada to an evening session at our Central tasting studio.

Join us for a casual and relaxed evening of wine tasting and conversation with Takaki. Whether you're a wine enthusiast or just looking for a fun night out, drop by after work and unwind with us.

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Themed Tasting Event : The Diversity of Grenache
7:30 pm19:30

Themed Tasting Event : The Diversity of Grenache

從充滿果醬味、圓潤口感到質感精緻、伴隨優雅花香的風格,Grenache會根據其種植地而産生截然不同的演繹。 為了展示它多樣的風味,我們精選了來自世界不同地區的Grenache葡萄酒。

From jammy and rounded to delicate and floral, Grenache can express itself in vastly different ways depending on where it is grown. To showcase this range of flavours, we've selected Grenache wines from different parts of the world.

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Themed Tasting Event : Top Rated Malbec from Argentina
7:30 pm19:30

Themed Tasting Event : Top Rated Malbec from Argentina

阿根廷現已成為世界上生産Malbec葡萄酒的表表者,在國內廣泛種植Malbec並將其打造成其旗艦葡萄品種。 然而,Malbec其實起源於法國並曾瘋魔當地,直至中世紀一場嚴重霜凍摧毀了大部分Malbec葡萄藤。Malbec於19 世紀中期才被引入到阿根廷,並在安地斯山脈(Andes)附近的Mendoza的高海拔葡萄園找到了一個新家園。


Argentina has become the world's leading producer of Malbec wines, with the grape now widely planted and serving as a flagship variety for the country. However, Malbec's origin lies in France and thrived there until a severe frost destroyed many Malbec vines during the Middle Ages. It wasn't until the mid-19th century that Malbec was introduced to Argentina, where it found a new home in the high-altitude vineyards of Mendoza near the Andes.

This tasting event will focus on the unique characteristics of Argentine Malbec through the lens of several rare and highly rated premium wines.

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Themed Tasting Event : Evaluating Mature Sekt
7:30 pm19:30

Themed Tasting Event : Evaluating Mature Sekt

我們誠邀您一起參與這次品酒活動,細嚐浸渣陳釀了20-35 年、於 2021 年除渣的四款陳年Sekt,並了解德國薩爾(Saar)的傳統氣泡酒釀造歷史。

Join us for a sure to be unforgettable evening tasting through 4 mature Sekt disgorged in 2021 after maturing for 20-35 years on lees, and learn about the history of sparkling wine making that is traditional to the Saar region of Germany.

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Themed Tasting Event : Discover Nuits-Saint-Georges
7:30 pm19:30

Themed Tasting Event : Discover Nuits-Saint-Georges

Nuits-Saint-Georges 位於勃艮第,是世界上其中一些最受歡迎的Pinot Noir葡萄酒的產地。 這次品酒會希望讓大家了解產於Nuits-Saint-Georges葡萄酒的卓越共同特徵,以及每款不同酒莊葡萄酒的獨特魅力。


Situated in Burgundy, Nuits-Saint-Georges is home to some of the most sought-after Pinot Noir wines in the world. This tasting offers a chance to discover the shared characteristics that make Nuits-Saint-Georges wines so exceptional, as well as the unique qualities that make each wine stand out.

Click button below for more details and RSVP info.

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Our First Portfolio Tasting
2:00 pm14:00

Our First Portfolio Tasting

Great news for those looking for soulful wines with stories to tell! 

Our first portfolio tasting will be held on Apr 21 (Friday) at our Central tasting room, featuring over 25 wines from the artisan producers we partner with. 

From classic Barolos to new wave South African Syrah, from generations-old family producers to adventurous new winemakers, we love these gems and we wouldn’t want you to miss out! 

Click button below for more details and RSVP info.

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Free Weekly Tasting at Our Central Studio this April
to 28 Apr

Free Weekly Tasting at Our Central Studio this April

A tasting of one wine from our Artisan Producers will be available each week for free.

This April, our selection includes:
Week 1 - Domaine Laureau Savennières L'Alliance 2019
Week 2 - Domaine de la Noblaie Les Chiens Chiens 2018
Week 3 - Hofgut Falkenstein Krettnacher Euchariusberg Riesling Kabinett 2021
Week 4 - Anthony Thevenet Beaujolais Villages 2020

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Themed Tasting Event : Syrah VS Shiraz
7:00 pm19:00

Themed Tasting Event : Syrah VS Shiraz

Syrah? Shiraz? 為什麼同一葡萄品種會有不同的名字?

歡迎前來親身品嚐同一葡萄品種在不同風土條件下釀造的兩種不同風格的葡萄酒,當中包括著名的Torbreck Runrig 2006,與及將為您帶來驚喜的Minimalist Wines Connect the Dots 2019。


Syrah? Shiraz? Why a different name for the same grape? 

Come taste for yourself two different wine styles made from the same grape variety across different terroir, including the 2006 vintage of the iconic Torbreck Runrig, and a Minimalist Wines Connect the Dots 2019 that will no doubt surprise you.

Click button below for more details and RSVP info.

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Themed Tasting Event : Appreciating Cabernet Franc
7:00 pm19:00

Themed Tasting Event : Appreciating Cabernet Franc

Cabernet Franc常常被視為是Cabernet Sauvignon的配角。我們品酒室的第二場品酒會旨在揭示 Cabernet Franc的可能性,並通過品嚐來自不同風土、不同成熟度的四款葡萄酒,展現這種葡萄釀造的葡萄酒的陳年潛力。

陳年23 年的Cabernet Franc還有活力嗎?80% Cabernet Franc的波爾多混釀(Bordeaux Blend)你嚐過了嗎?我們一同把握這次可以品嚐和討論這些美酒的機會吧。


Often a supporting cast to the better known Cabernet Sauvignon, this second tasting at our Tasting Studio seeks to illuminate the possibilities of Cabernet Franc, and illustrates the ageing potential of wines made from this grape by tasting through four wines from different terroir and with different maturity.

A 23 years old Cabernet Franc? A 80% Cabernet Franc Bordeaux blend? Here is your chance to sample, discuss, and juxtapose these beautiful wines.

Click button below for more details and RSVP info.

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Themed Tasting Event : Japanese Winemakers
7:00 pm19:00

Themed Tasting Event : Japanese Winemakers

我們很高興地宣佈即將在品酒室舉辦首場活動。 這次品酒會將集中探討及品嘗由日本釀酒師釀造的四款葡萄酒。新西蘭酒莊 Folium Vineyard 的釀酒師 Takaki Okada 在品酒會開始時將通過 Zoom 加入我們的品酒會討論及分享。從 Folium Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 2017 和 Pinot Noir Reserve 2014,到罕見的 Kei Shiogai Pommard 2020 和 Kusuda Syrah 2013,這肯定是一次激活感官的品嚐。


We are delighted to announce the launch of the first event at our Tasting Studio. This tasting will be a focus on four wines made by Japanese winemakers, with Takaki Okada of Folium Vineyard joining us via Zoom at the start of the tasting. From the Folium Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 2017 and Pinot Noir Reserve 2014, to the rare Kei Shiogai Pommard 2020 and Kusuda Syrah 2013, this is sure to be a tasting to ignite the senses.

Click button below for more details and RSVP info.

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